Thursday, December 5, 2013


Last week was Thanksgiving and it was so wonderful to get to spend time with family, not dress-up  professionally every day and sleep in. Judson and I are so blessed to live so close to both our families, so that holidays could be easily split in half. First we went to San Angelo to spend pre Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day with Judson's parents and siblings.
My mother in law taught me how to correctly set a table, thrift shop, and how to make red velvet cookies. We also had a hilarious family game of catch phrase and a good time was had by all.

Then, for two days post Thanksgiving we went to Graham to spend time with my family. I got to help my mom decorate the house for Christmas and Judson got to go hunting. Our two comfort zones.
Judson shot a deer AND a big turkey! Our freezer is stocked full of *FREE* meat! What a man!

My talented sister in law also took our Christmas card (

I forced Judson into taking this picture that I saw on Pinterest... It did not turn out cute and he hated it.

Also, I tried to take my brother, sister-in-law, and nap-needing nephews Christmas card picture and they almost all came out like this...

I still think they are cute. :)

It was so wonderful to be surrounded with all our family but it was also nice to come back to our home with just our little family and decorate our own house for Christmas! 
Then I got really carried away with the christmas spirit and tried to decorate the outside of our house, too. It turned out like this...

The next day, Judson took over with the outside and now it looks like this!
In other news, tomorrow is my LAST day of student teaching. Oh my goodness, I can't even believe it has finally arrived! I've passed all three of my certification exams and I graduate in ONE WEEK! I also got a long term substitute job at a private school here in Abilene (BLESSING)! Things are truly merry and bright around here. 

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